2014年4月29日 星期二

La SENZA window design - critical justification

1.       Show Directly
By reduce props and background to a minimum, the product can speak for itself. Using display skills, through fold, pull, stacked, hanging, heap of the commodities to present the product’s form, texture, color, style and so on.

2.       Meaning and imagination
A certain environment, a plot, a certain object, a graphic, or a character’s form and mood can arouse consumer’s associations, to produce some kind of communication with the spiritual resonance to the performance of the various characteristics of the goods.

3.       Exaggeration and humor
Reasonable exaggerated the characteristics of goods; emphasize the beautiful element and substance of things can give a psychological feeling of novelty. Otherwise, humor can achieve both unexpected and reasonable artistic effect.

4.       Use of advertising language
In the window design of lingerie pr clothes shops, using advertising language properly can enhance the theme of the performance. But this kind of window is different from the outside advertisement, cannot have too many words like magazines of poster. It can only use very short and simple words to attract people who just pass the window.

